Monday 14 March 2016


Hello my dear readers,

Today I'm going to ask you all about a simple yet striking questing. I saw the topic for Indi spire edition 108 and this thought formed in my mind. This post is going to be a picture post, where I'll be sharing different views of people regarding happiness.

I asked this question in Quora and I was lucky enough to get respond of 7 people. Among the seven, I liked two answers.

I posted this question in twitter and was lucky enough to get two responses...

I searched with the tag happiness in the facebook but got more tags of happiness along with selfies. One page caught my eye...

When I got that seven response from Quora, it made me happy. When i got two response from twitter, it made me happy. When I'll post this, your commends will made me happy. Now, I can say searching for the meaning of happiness made me happy.

I would like to thank my each and every reader to encourage me to pen down these 180 posts. you must be thinking why I'm thanking you now, it's not even my 200th post. Well, the answer is my happiness... :)

See you again all.  

Share your views on happiness, I would love to hear that... :)


  1. Totally love your idea of incorporating the media we spend so much time on.. :)

  2. Just like Seena I loved your idea too sweetie 😊



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